Painting in the Negative

Jan 30, 2017

This is a super fun and easy technique.
Supplies needed:
Surface to paint on ( I used a thick canvas)
Acrylic Paint - colors of your choice
Old credit card or sturdy piece of cardboard
Medium and Small Brush
Hair- Dryer if you are impatient like me!!

Step 1. Dip your card into the paint and scrape across the surface. I like to start with the lightest color first.

Step2: Continue dipping your old credit card into different colors and scraping them across the surface. Don't do more than about 3 colors. If you get to many colors it will become muddy.

Step 3: Blow Dry or let Dry

Step 4: Using white I drew my heart and then painted the background white! I left the negative space come forward to create the heart!

Step5: And I always like to add a little black outline to finish it up!

Bonus step: Optional - Dip your brush in water and paint and then splatter splatter!!!!

There you have it! A super cool canvas and a new technique learned!!


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