"Whatever Letter" Lettering Club

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The "Whatever Letter" Lettering Club is a community for women focused on lettering, art, faith, and fun, offering monthly "Happy Mail" packages and weekly tutorials and resources.

Step 1:

Sign up!

Step 2:

Check your email for Welcome Letter!

Step 3:

Explore your "Member's Library" and join the private Facebook page to see all the lettering club has to offer!

Step 4:

Be watching your mailbox around the 15th of each month for your first Happy Mail!


Hey! I'm Kasey!

Confession, I used to hate the way my lettering looked. I wanted to write cute and pretty but I figured some people could and some people couldn't. And I was one of the ones that couldn't. But then one day after simply being embarrassed that I was an artist who didn't write beautifully, I decided to invest some time into the practice of lettering. 

I began learning all that I could and practicing tons. I developed a system to teach myself and very quickly I began to see my lettering improve! I want to teach you that same system! 

That's why we created the "Whatever Letter Lettering Club"! 

Join now

Benefits of the "Whatever Letter" Club

Gain Confidence

As we walk you through projects step by step online you will see your skill begin to grow. Before long you will be sharing your creations with friends and family!

Grow your faith

As we letter faith based scripture or phrases we are filling our mind with truth. Plus every Wednesday morning we have a quick devotion inside our private Facebook group . 

Reduce Stress

Art and Lettering have been proven to reduce stress, lower heart rate, and reduce muscle tension.

Connect with Others

Connect with an online Community of Like minded ladies who love to build each other up! 

Listen up, we've got you!


Frequently Asked Questions

Not exactly, however, remember you can cancel at anytime. Also, check out some of our videos and teaching on our "Whatever Letter" Free Facebook group. This will give you a feel for who we are and how we teach! 

Not always, but a lot. The name " Whatever Letter" is from Philippians 4:8 that says for us to think on these things.. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things". We want to fill our mind with uplifting quotes and words. So many of the things we letter will be Biblically based. 

This is an ongoing monthly membership. Subscriptions consist of 1 monthly payment billed every 30 days based on when you sign up.

Yes! You'll have access to the training for as long as you have an active membership. 

We only open the club about 2-3 times a year. If you can't join now you can catch us on the next opening... but then you will have missed out on months of Peace and Play through art and lettering. So we say join now and if it's not a good fit you can cancel anytime.

Check out all the fun in the group! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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